Tuesday, September 8, 2009

For Bronte

The other day one of the kids asked me where I got my designs for the bracelets I paint. I told them that sometimes I just stare at the wood until something comes to mind. Sometimes it is the color that suggests what to do with it. Or the idea just comes to mind. And sometimes a pattern in nature or on a piece of material gives me an idea.

The other day at work I saw a cute shirt on one of the students. I thought it would be a cut pattern for a bracelet. Later in the day she came into my office and let me take a picture of her shirt.

The following is the bracelet I painted based on her shirt

I took it to work the next day and everyone fell in love with it. I gave it to the student with the condition that if anyone asks, she has to tell them where to get one. Her mother and sister fell in love with it and she has worn it 3 times since then.
I also have a couple orders for custom bracelets for Christmas presents.
And I am working on resizing my photos so that I can list bracelets on Etsy. I'll post the information as soon as that is done.

1 comment:

Tristi Pinkston said...

How pretty! Dang, makes me wish I wore bracelets! :)